

Natal Chart Reading: 90 minutes, $125

This is a great starting place. We analyze a snapshot of the sky at the time of your birth.

The natal chart follows you through life and provides the foundation for all other

astrological study. (A recording will be available upon request for all readings.)


General Readings: 60 minutes, $100

Do you want to see what’s coming up for you? Are you interested in what a reading of

your birthday (Solar Return) has to say about the upcoming year? Wondering when

a new relationship, new job, or other significant life change will happen? Do you have

some other specific question you’d like to explore in the starts? This is the reading

that will look ahead and see what the planetary energies have in store for you.


General and Single Question Readings: 30 minutes, $65

This is the same as above, but with half the time. This reading is especially good for

analyzing a single question or issue.


Relationship Analysis Reading: 90 minutes, $195

If you want to take a deep dive into how you and a potential partner will get along,

your combined strengths and challenges, your love languages, this is the reading.

It requires an analysis of both partner charts, so date/time/place of birth is needed for

both people.


Medical Astrology: 60 minutes, $195

Medical astrology does not diagnose or treat illnesses. Medical astrology can examine

tendencies that show up in a natal chart or help with timing for medical events. This

information is provided for educational purposes only. Kait Leonard is not a licensed

medical professional.


Astrological Counseling: 60 minutes, $125 (minimum of 3 sessions suggested)

Astrological counseling does not diagnose or treat mental health issues. Astrological

counseling is a spiritual tool that uses planetary placements to assess cosmic and

spiritual conditions. This information is provided for educational purposes only.

Kait Leonard is not a licensed mental health practitioner.



Divination Session: 60 minutes, $95; 30 minutes, $65

Psychic sessions can be general, year-ahead, or focus on topics of your choosing.

Tools used may include channeled information, crystal ball gazing, Tarot or divination

cards, throwing charms or any combination of these.


Spiritual Healing or Spiritual Counseling: 30 minutes, $65


Animal Communication: 30 minutes, $75

I am very selective about which cases I take in this area. Contact me for details.